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Membership Application


Select the proper classification for your type of business: General/Ag, Financial, Manufacturing, Hospitals/Clinics, Not for Profit, Individual, etc. and fill in the basic investment/rate. If you are not sure which classification your business falls under, please call the Chamber office for assistance at 320-732-2514.

Note, there will be a 4% additional charge added to the Memberships prices automatically to cover CC Charges.

Select An Option

General Membership/Ag 

$100.00 1st year special & listing

Select Level

Not-For-Profit Organization

Manufacturing Membership 

Financial Membership

For ten or more employees. Clinics with fewer than 5 employees pay under general membership schedule.

Colleges/Universities/Technical School 

Small Business Listing 

Individual Membership 

Seasonal / Vendor Membership 

Enter Contact Information
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist
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